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Sunny Ridge - 6PM-8:30PM - Cowboy Movie Night
About this event
November 6th's Movie: Support Your Local Sheriff (1969)

Buenos Dias Voqueros,
I slept through my stop on the stage and found myself on a ranch in Florida. Lots of Cuban, Argentinian Gauchos, and Hispanic speaking cowboys here. I'm trying to get familiar with the lingo. I'm staying at the Donzanti "Bar D" ranch and I must say, the accomodations sure beat the bunk house back home and the grub is pretty good. It's very peaceful and law abiding here and the population sure backs local law enforcement. Speaking of backing "the Blue" I' m reminded that the next Cowboy Movie Night feature will be, "Support Your Local Sheriff."
When gold is discovered in Calendar, Colorado, the town becomes a magnet for every kind of low life, swindler, con man, cheat, gunman, desperado and person just passing through looking for a quick buck. Everybody is so busy trying to find gold and cure the gold fever that they haven't paid much attention to law and order. The town fathers have tried hiring sheriffs but they either don't live long or run off. That is, until Jason McCullough rides into town on his way to Australia. McCullough takes the job temporarily for the money and brings law and order to town in his own creative way. The movie stars James Garner, Jack Elam, Joan Hackett, Walter Brennan, Bruce Dern, and Harry Morgan.
Movie starts at 6 PM in the Sunny Ridge basement theater. Treats and beverages are kindly and enthusiastically provided by the Movie Night Posse. Running time is 1hr, 33 minutes. I will be stuck on the Florida Donzanti rance until the next stage and won't make this month's movie.
Scipio Sam
Event Contact(s)
Michael B Hansen
Registration Info
Registration is not Required
Free movie event for members and public alike.
Movie starts at 6PM.
Members usually bring a snack to share and everyone brings their own beverage (alcohol is never allowed on Club property; so soda, juice, or water).