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HomeCalendar 50 Yd Range - .22 Steel Plate - 4PM-8PM

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50 Yd Range - .22 Steel Plate - 4PM-8PM

About this event

22 Steel Plate 6-17-19 Pictures and Video


22 Steel Plate 6-17-19


We had so many videos (33) and multiple videos from multiple shooters, so to make it easy for the shooter to find their videos here are links to jump to their set of videos:


Josh Allen

Josh Allen (1 of 2):

Josh Allen (2 of 2):

Allison Grub

Allison Grub (1 of 3):

Allison Grub (3 of 3):

Allison Grub (2 of 3):

Tim Grub

Tim Grub (1 of 5):

Tim Grub (3 of 5):

Tim Grub (5 of 5):

Tim Grub (2 of 5):

Tim Grub (4 of 5):

Brooks Haas

Brooks Haas (1 of 3):

Brooks Haas (3 of 3):

Brooks Haas (1 of 3):

Ronald Haas

Ronald Haas (1 of 4):

Ronald Haas (3 of 4):

Ronald Haas (2 of 4):

Ronald Haas (4 of 4):

Jim Schuldt

Jim Schuldt (1 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (3 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (5 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (7 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (9 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (11 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (13 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (2 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (4 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (6 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (8 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (10 of 13):

Jim Schuldt (12 of 13):

Dave Wehrwein

Dave Wehrwein (1 of 3):

Dave Wehrwein's New Personal Best: 3.72 seconds

Dave Wehrwein (2 of 3):

Date and Time

Monday, June 17, 2019, 4:00 PM until 8:00 PM


Sheboygan Rifle and Pistol Club
W 765 Rowe Rd.
Sheboygan, WI  53083

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Kirk Bloedorn


50 yard Range Reserved

Registration Info

Registration is not Required