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HomeCalendar Sunny Ridge - 6PM-8:30PM - Cowboy Movie Night

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Sunny Ridge - 6PM-8:30PM - Cowboy Movie Night

About this event

February 5th's Movie: Hour of the Gun (1967)

Just passed a broadside posted in town announcing a change in the showing of the monthly movie at the Sunnyridge Bijou movie theater. Apparently, because of the first Wednesday falling on New Year's Day, the scheduled cowboy movie will not be shown until January 15th. Then a Faucian Gamboo break out in the area, many facilities will be closed to the public. This includes the Sunny Ridge Bijou Theater. As a consequence, the Cowboy Night movie scheduled to be shown on Wednesday, January 15th will not be shown. The scheduled movie, "Hour of the Gun," will be shown on February 5th. This is just as well. Most of the hands plan on going to the New Year's Eve party at the Branch Water Saloon on New Year's Eve and may not be in any shape to take in a movie the next day.

When the movie is shown, it will be, Hour of the Gun, starring James Garner as Wyatt Earp.  Following the shoot out at the OK Corral, Earp is bent on exacting revenge for the murder of Morgan Earp and crippling of Virgil Earp. Doc Holliday, played by Jayson Robards is Wyatt's right hand man in the pursuit of vengeance.

Updated 2/2/25:
To my cowboy friends and sidekicks,

I'm breathing a little easier now that the Faucian Plague has passed over the county, thanks to some cold weather and strong winds blowing it into our neighbors in Michigan.

We can now come out of our burrows, like Punxsatawny Phil, and get social again. So... I would like to remind you all that Cowboy Movie Night is this Wednesday, February 5th, at the Sunny Ridge Bijou basement theater. The movie, again, will be Hour of the Gun starring James Garner, Jason Robards and Robert Ryan. James Garner is in the role of Wyatt Earp, Marshall of Tombstone where justice is settled with a gun. Join the usual posse members at 6 PM. Snacks provided or bring your own.

Movie Trailer:

Date and Time

Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM


Sunny Ridge
Sunny Ridge Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
3014 Erie Avenue
Sheboygan, WI  53081

Additional Info

Event Contact(s)

Michael B Hansen


Remote Location

Registration Info

Registration is not Required
Free movie event for members and public alike.

Movie starts at 6PM.

Members usually bring a snack to share and everyone brings their own beverage (alcohol is never allowed on Club property; so soda, juice, or water).